
World Menopause Day 18th October

This month is an important one for Woman's Health. The 18th October is World Menopause Day and the 20th October is World Osteoporosis Day. This year the International Menopause Society is looking at Brain Fog and Memory difficulties. Below is a copy of this years...

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‘Sweaty’ is the most well known dwarf. Around 80% of us will experience hot flushes and night sweats. Why is it happening? No one really knows. Another medical mystery for future discovery! There are theories. One looked at in Myer Hunter’s book ‘Living well through...

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The Seven Dwarves of Menopause

I laughed when I saw this. I’m sure it’s no longer PC! I wasn’t sure that the fact that I could be all 7 dwarves in one day was something to laugh about or whether a feeling of pity/sadness for my poor family was more appropriate! Either way, 80% of midlife women will...

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